Evaluation- Artisan Promotional Video

Evaluation- Artisan Promotional Video

From the first day of filming to the last day of editing I am very happy with the way the final edit has come out. The edit is roughly 1 and half minutes long and shines a really positive light on the artisan in my opinion. This opinion is replicated with Karen the head of the Artisan who came down and viewed the video. Karen stated that the video was very professional and showed the students very well from the kitchen preparing food to them serving customers and preparing tables. Karen also liked the shots that Me and Sam included in the final edit, the shots in question were the pans that stretched the whole restaurant. Also the shots used in the kitchen that shows not just the food but the students making it and then preparing it on plates. My tutor viewed the video multiple times however as the video wasn't going to be used actually for promotional it wasn't studied for a long period of time. Deborah stated that the video was very well edited and used showed the artisan in a very professional manor, not just this but the music cut very well with the shots and the track fit the ambiance of the artisan. However Both my tutor Deborah and the head of the Artisan Karen both agreed that some of the clips in the artisan were too empty. I have to agree with this because some of the clips used in the final edit make the artisan seem like a brand new never before seen restaurant which isn't the case. When we went and filmed as a group every time we were available the artisan was empty of only a few customers. If I could I would go back and film possibly in the evening so some shots could show just how busy the restaurant can get at times.

Before we started filming at the artisan we contacted Karen via email to ask what days we could possibly film, Karen replied almost straight away and that continued which would show that She was very easy to work with as well as being accommodating when we first filmed around the restaurant. Also when we came back after a few days when we first filmed she had no problems with letting us film shots again as we felt they could have been a lot better. Overall Karen was wonderful to work with and allowed as full access to whatever we needed to film which included the kitchen area.

Constraints experienced:

A constraint that comes to mind straight away would be the scheduling we made for filming, the planned days we filmed looking back at it probably didn't show the artisan at its busiest. We filmed originally on a Thursday afternoon which wasn't a busy time for the restaurant so in hindsight id have filmed on a Friday afternoon which Karen said was the busiest time and had a lot of customers in.


As a group Me, Sam, Tom and Luke have all known each other for nearly 3 years now so we are fairly good friends which helped making the video a lot. Being good friends aloud us to debate certain decisions that may have been really awkward to debate if we weren't good friends. We manage time very well as a group I do believe, this is because we finished the final edit very early compared to other groups. We also planned the days we would film at the artisan which I've already spoken about and said what could have gone better. We communicated with every party involved in the making of the video which included Deborah and Karen. This was via email and also seeing them around college. Whenever we had a query we emailed Karen personally and the response was very quick. The questions that we asked normally involved what days we could film and and the availability of us coming around and filming students in the kitchen. If I am to do anything like this again I will make sure that I plan ahead of filming in much more detail because I feel like I didn't as much as I could have done.

Peer Feedback:

With the peer feedback I will be showing 3 people my piece and asking them what they think about it and then they will write a response.


I like the way that is is edited and some stabilising shots have been used to help make some of the shots look smoother to look more professional, one of the things you could of changed would of been the way you have exported it to make it look a bit better and maybe worked on the lighting balance as some shots were lighter and others were darker which didn't make it looks professional other than that its a well made video and i liked the way the shots were placed as well.


I really love the music, it fits the cool-proffesional theme really well- well chosen! I think that you should have evaluated the finished product further because of some moments where it's too bright or the blur to unblur is wrong. During the interview, you also play the music over the actual sound; this sounds a wee bit messy. You also use something from Darren's interview that perhaps shouldn't of been used. But otherwise, good job!


The transitions were good, however the music was overlapping with the interview which made it difficult to understand the interviewees. There were a wide range of shots used and I think that if you added some more shots of the students, then you would know it was a student run restauant in a college; it almost looked like students doing work experience in another restaurant but not the artisan.


Your edit of the promotional video recognises generic conventions with technical skills being employed with some imagination. There are some aesthetically pleasing shots and cuts match the tempo of the music. The interviews should have been conducted without background noise as the harsh radio playing in the background is intrusive. Some shots would have befitted from the use of a tripod as they were shaky and some are a little overexposed. The main issue, which is easily rectifiable, is that there are no logos on this edit.


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