
Unit 6- Narrative Theory

Task 3-  Individually Be able to develop responses to media products Narrative Theory Narrative theory is the theory of telling a story through narrative. This can be done in many different ways such as documentary, characters, action in dramas and also role plays. Narrative can be portrayed in many differing ways through whatever genre is being represented. An example of this would be romance. A character in a romantic drama would most likely loved up and the music used would stereotypically be romantic music. Another example of narrative would be voice overs. Voice overs example certain situations in a drama that may be hard to understand without one. So narrating over a story for the audience can be vital for a story teller message. Theorists- Todorov- Todorov (March 1, 1939- February 7, 2017) ( 2017-02-07 ) was a Bulgarian Literary theorist who believed that most narratives start with equilibrium which means life is normal and the protagonists are happy, he also belie

Unit 27 Task 1

Issues: Accuracy: Accuracy within any documentary is very important, this is because after all what you are producing should be factually correct, However some documentaries have been produced inaccuracy to suit a certain opinion or belief. An example of this would be Supersize Me, The documentary where director Morgan Spurlock goes on a one month all McDonalds diet records his progress and shows him gradually becoming rather ill, However many people on the internet believe that the documentary is somewhat fake and Morgan's results have been doctored to be worse than they would actually be if it wasn't faked. Many People believe that Morgan was planning up to the cameras and making out as if he was feeling a lot worse than he actually may have been, nutritionists have stated that if someone ever decided to eat a diet like that then the results would be profoundly worse. Balance: Making sure that a documentary or a news report is balanced is very

Evaluation- Artisan Promotional Video

Evaluation- Artisan Promotional Video From the first day of filming to the last day of editing I am very happy with the way the final edit has come out. The edit is roughly 1 and half minutes long and shines a really positive light on the artisan in my opinion. This opinion is replicated with Karen the head of the Artisan who came down and viewed the video. Karen stated that the video was very professional and showed the students very well from the kitchen preparing food to them serving customers and preparing tables. Karen also liked the shots that Me and Sam included in the final edit, the shots in question were the pans that stretched the whole restaurant. Also the shots used in the kitchen that shows not just the food but the students making it and then preparing it on plates. My tutor viewed the video multiple times however as the video wasn't going to be used actually for promotional it wasn't studied for a long period of time. Deborah stated that the video was very wel
Task 1 - Video for Interactive Media: What You Need to Know Explain how digital video technology is used on different delivery platforms   Within digital media there are many platforms, programs and file types used to show different types of media. Examples of this come in many different shapes and sizes quite literally. From disks that are played through cd players to files that would be made up of small bites. However over the last 10 to 15 the internet has found a home for websites to share videos that can be seen from all over the world. Websites such as YouTube or even Facebook are great ways to share videos with people. The birth of internet video sharing has allowed almost anyone to share whatever they like to an audience which 15 years ago was almost unheard of. This has given anyone with a camera and internet access a platform to entertain and also make money through ad revenue. As Im already venturing along the lines of entertainment platforms such as YouTube it